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Ship's Log

June 21, 2024

USS Constitution Change of Command

Pier One

Boston National Historical Park

Charlestown, Massachusetts


Partly cloudy, high of 82° F.


On Friday, June 21, 2024, at 12:00pm members of the Sailors of Old Ironsides Association (‘SOIA’ or “Association”) by invitation attended the Change of Command (“COC”) ceremony for the heavy frigate USS Constitution (“Old Ironsides”). The transition from CDR Billie J. Farrell (77th commanding officer) to CDR Crystal L. Schaefer (78th commanding officer) for America’s Ship of State.


SOIA was represented by Charles Irwin, President; Stephen Sustrick, Secretary; and Joseph Sharpe, Master at Arms. SOIA’s participation emphasized the Association’s respect and support for the Command and its enduring commitment to the legacy of Old Ironsides.

The ceremony followed time-honored traditions including Reading of Orders and Director of the Navy Staff, VADM Gene H. Black III officiating the relief and assumption of commanding officer duties. The guest speaker was VADM Yvette M. Davids, U.S. Naval Academy Superintendent. Also in attendance was Robert Santiago, Commissioner of Veteran Affairs - Boston.

Prior to the ceremony SOIA met with CDR Farrell in her office and she introduced us to the new Commanding Officer, CDR Schaefer. As part of the pleasantries with the new Captain we explained SOIA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to foster and strengthen the personal and fraternal ties among previous crew members and to promote the history and heritage of the ship.


Also, during the meeting SOIA expressed its gratitude to CDR Farrell for her support and commitment to the Association and its mission. And the Association presented her with uniquely original artwork created by our shipmate, James Vogel. The artwork included framed graphite sketches of CDR Farrell in her 1812 Captain’s uniform and another of the ship underway and under sail. CDR Farrell expressed her heartfelt thanks for the exceptional keepsakes and wished SOIA all the best in its future efforts.


Secretary, SOIA

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